News coverage of the Around Wisco Book

NBC 15 in Madison

Wisconsin Life TV show
Cameron was featured on the Wisconsin Life TV show with his photography with a Holga plastic camera.
Wausau Daily Herald- January 25th, 2023

‘Around Wisco’ photo book focuses on people, places of Ice Age Trail
Wausau Daily Herald- July 21st, 2020

He says he’s ‘lazy.’ But this Wisconsin photographer is hiking the Ice Age Trail for art
Wisconsin Public Radio January 1st, 2020

Photographer Documents Life On And Around The Ice Age Trail
Baraboo News Republic –November 4th, 2019

Madison photographer hiking the Ice Age Trail to document people, sights of rural Wisconsin
Wisconsin Public Radio Central Time show -Oct. 14th, 2019

Finding, Documenting Real Life Along The Ice Age Trail
Channel 3, Madison -October 3rd, 2019
Local photographer discovers small-town Wisconsin’s hidden gems during 1,200-mile hike
Janesville Gazette –September 19, 2019

Photographer captures Janesville segment of Ice Age Trail for book

PhotoMidwest Third Thursday Presentation
This is about a 45-minute presentation and 15 minutes of questions about my hike of the Ice Age Trail and the joys and challenges of hiking and photographing the Ice Age Trail. Thank you to PhotoMidwest for hosting me!