The challenges of photographing the Ice Age Trail

The Montrose Segment of the Ice Age Trail

I knew photographing the Ice Age Trail would be a unique challenge. From a purely photographic standpoint, the worst possible way to photograph the Ice Age Trail is to backpack the entire Ice Age Trail. But I knew hiking the whole trail would be the best way to experience the Ice Age Trail. So there… Continue reading The challenges of photographing the Ice Age Trail

Ice Age Trail Gear List

Here’s my gear list of the camping and camera gear I bring when I’m backpacking the Ice Age Trail. I’ve been more of a canoe and kayak paddler most of my life, but after completing the entire Ice Age Trail I have learned a few things I can share. YouTube First, I’ll give credit to… Continue reading Ice Age Trail Gear List

A portrait of Wisconsin

Rain turned to snow today so it was time to take some shelter at the Bull Pen Bar and Grill for some chili. The traditional Monday morning game of screwy Louie was being played.

My goal of hiking the Ice Age Trail is to create a portrait of Wisconsin by photographing the people, culture, and landscapes of Wisconsin. For me, this trek across Wisconsin is equally as much about the people I meet as it is about the natural landscape. The Ice Age Trail is not like wilderness trails… Continue reading A portrait of Wisconsin

Hiking the Ice Age Trail

I have now completed over 900 miles of the 1200 miles of the Ice Age Trail over 90 days. This Spring I hope to finish my hike of the entire Ice Age Trail to photograph the natural landscape, culture, and history of rural Wisconsin! I had never done anything like this and seriously wondered if… Continue reading Hiking the Ice Age Trail